Tuesday, August 14, 2012

August Birthstone Spotlight

August's birthstone is PERIDOT!

The history of peridot [per-i-doh] dates back to the Ancient Egyptians, who called it “the gem of the sun.” It is now believed that Cleopatra wore peridot gems, having mistaken them for emeralds. The color range for peridot includes bright green, yellowish-green, and olive hues.

After the Crusades, soldiers brought peridot back as spoils of war. Once in Europe, the gems were set in a variety of religious objects.

Traditionally found in Egypt and Burma, more recent sources include the U.S. (mostly Arizona and Hawaii), China, Brazil, Pakistan, Australia, and Norway. Peridot can even be found in some meteorites!

Peridot is said to protect from nightmares, fear, and the evil eye. This protection made peridot a favorite among pirates. A healing stone, it aids in reducing stress and digestive problems. Peridot supposedly stimulates the mind, opens the door for opportunity, and accelerates personal growth. It also is known to attract love and calm anger, appropriate for the traditional stone for the 16th wedding anniversary.

Avoid sharp blows and scratches, household chemicals, as well as drastic temperature changes. Remove your peridot jewelry before housework, gardening, or active sports. Do not use an ultrasonic cleaner on peridot. 

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